KadaО персонаже
Оригинальное имя
Известен(а) как
Peacock Princess
Официальные сэйю:
Birthday: August 16[br]Zodiac: Leo[br]Race: Amanto[br]Height: 167 cm[br]Weight: 51 kg [br][br]Peacock Princess Kada was one of the four \'emperors\' that rule the Kabuki District. A skilled professional gambler herself, she operated most of the gambling outfits in Kabuki District. She would later be revealed to be a member of the Harusame Space Pirates, and was imprisoned on one of their ships as penalty for stealing money from them.[br][br]She was shown to be quite sadistic when she ruthlessly beat Hasegawa after he spoke out of line. After her defeat, she was shown to be in a jail cell maddened and compulsively playing a gambling game in which she would predict her visitor\'s luck.
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